Monday, 21 May 2007

This Should Not Work

A Monday like any other. The one that You hate from the very beginning. Right from the moment when at 4.30 a.m. - when You woke up, to find out that You haven't set the alarm clock for 6 a.m.
Next thing You did was (mostly because of being half asleep.. nay... three/fourths asleep) setting it for this doggone 6 a.m.
Of course at this stage You could forget about the Warmth and Pleasantness of the dream that You'd had just a while ago. It's all gone...
There's only one thought...
why six ... why six.... why Monday a.m.?

Then there's work. And the boss giving the new responsibilities while all the others in the company say : I can see You doing all that crap... right .. I can already see it... and then Yor see a lot of blinking around.

And the new thought appears...

Just let mi give You a bill...

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