Tuesday 12 February 2008

a Different Ghost

As I was saying before i encountered a ghost some time ago. But I managed to get over him and to get over the past it connected me with. Maybe not entirely - but it was enough to stop thinking and talking about it.

Yesterday the ghost struck again - but this time from a different and rather unexpected side. There was another ghost - who reminded me about the first one - and he did it out loud.

and there goes the veil - the metaphor of a ghost goes to a girl whom I loved and who stopped loving me. Happens. But I couldn't get over it for a long time. For too long.
Eventually I did but the bodycount was terrible. 

The second ghost - that's somebody who said: I still remember how it was then.

After six Years... I must have lost it then for real if the damage was so total.

But I'm not going to give up to this ghost either.
Not now.. not ever...

I'm too old for childish plays... or am I.

I'm going to sleep (well). 
Good night


1 comment:

Tatuś-Bajarz said...

You are welcome Tess